Monday, April 23, 2012

Reset Day 9 Recap Over the Weekend

Hello! It was a wonderful weekend with friends and family and healthy eating! I went to a few restaurants to eat over the weekend and made some hard choices, but the choices were very thought out and healthy! I had a hardwood grilled salad with grilled chicken and a side of salad dressing. For breakfast one morning I met with my family and switched my breakfast and lunch. So for breakfast I had two scrambled eggs with veggie sausage and for lunch I had my pink drink smoothie. Funny thing was that I was full after eating half of my tiny breakfast - so my appetite and stomach have definitely shrunk! 

One downside of the weekend was that I wasn't drinking enough water and so my goal for this week is to drink a minimum of 90 ounces each day. Every day that I drink enough water I feel great by the end of the day and I show weight loss in the morning. 

I am so proud of myself for these last 9 days. I have this insane motivation and I am not going to stop going! I feel amazing, I am looking better, my face is thinning out, my clothes are a bit loose - and this is all proving to be worth it. I am learning to eat slowly, savor my meals instead of scarfing it all down. 

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